Our News

Pontoon Extension HMS Calliope

Pontoon Extension HMS Calliope

NESB were asked to provide vessels and a marine team for the installation of a jetty extension at HMS Calliope. Utallising our work vessel Achilles for the installation work was completed ahead of schedule and again...

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HM Bark Endeavour

HM Bark Endeavour

After months of preparation NESB and Cook Marine carried out one of its most interesting projects to date. Tasked with towing the land locked Endeavour from its mooring at Stockton-on-Tees to the Tees barrage where it...

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Thruster replacement on the GMS Evolution

Thruster replacement on the GMS Evolution

The first use of NESB's modular NATO pontoon. NESB were tasked to provide marine support for thruster installation on the GMS Evolution at Blyth. We managed to install all the thrusters on consecutive days with no...

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Suction Monopiles River Tyne

Suction Monopiles River Tyne

NESB providing essential round the clock safety boat support at Shepard Offshore. New suction monopiles being floated out on The Tyne. These will be towed to Blyth as part of a new technology offshore windfarm study.

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Blyth Drill Inspections

Blyth Drill Inspections

NESB were recently tasked to provide marine support for drill operations being conducted in Blyth. Fully utilising the modular NATO pontoons with spud legs to accomodate the large geo-sonic drill rig. On station to...

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NESB have been awarded a marine support services contract at the ConocoPhillips site situated on the River Tees. This involves the provision of Safety Boats and Work Boats and the transportation of the clients modular...

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SABIC Ledwood Engineering

SABIC Ledwood Engineering

Working alongside Ledwood Engineering, NESB provided safety boat cover on the SABIC for remedial works being carried out. NESB also provided consultancy and lifejackets for the client as well as lifejacket inductions...

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Balfour Beaty (Sabic Site) River Tees

Balfour Beaty (Sabic Site) River Tees

NESB recently provided a Safety Boat and Workboat for Balfour Beaty on the SABIC site for remedial works on the underside of a jetty on the river tees. NESB worked closely with the client providing maritime advice on...

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Jacksons Landing

Jacksons Landing

Jacksons Landing in Hartlepool Marina held its first, and hopefully not its last, music festival. NESB were asked to provide safety boat cover for the event. The event had 5000 attendees and had 2 sound stages, a...

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Heerema/Cory Brothers shipping agency

Heerema/Cory Brothers shipping agency

Work was carried out by North East Safety Boats at Heerema Hartlepool for Cory Brothers Shipping agency who were very pleased with what we provided. We can quote "We felt reassured that there was a competant boat crew...

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Safey Boat Cover MPI Adventure

Safey Boat Cover MPI Adventure

With the growth of Offshore Renewables over the years and the success of the industry NESB were happy to support Fugro during survey operations for a new cable route for Dogger Bank, the deck of the MMS Humber Engineer...

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